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                            OVERWIEW  ___________

Billiard Dining Table Monocoque

The minimalism of oriental culture...


Cities have the color of years, absorb people's thoughts, conceal them in the alleys in a precise order of memories, for riaffidarli one day to those who can hear, or who returns to recover the past. From the idea of a story of the city and their chaos, disorder, art, history and complexity in their entirety, comes the City Line. A line designed for all fans of billiards, citizens of the world and their amazing wonders!

                            DESIGN  ___________

Minimalistic design, simple but refined. Design coupled to high performant billiard frame made him bestseller of this line and distinguishes it from similar products of its category. The wide choice of finishing, of colours of billiard cloth makes it anyway unique. Moreover, thanks to its table cover of various finishings and design, this product can became also the sublime dining or meeting table suitable for every space. Simple but design taste.

                            INNOVATIONS ___________

Billiard MBM

The Pool Dining Table MBMbilliardi is realized with long time seasoned wood selected by high-quality masters of cabinet-making. The table is made according to laws of compensation, which permit the cancellation of the natural movements of the used material and ensures a perfect stability of the product over years.

The billiard table includes also the professional MBM regulators for slate and regulators of frame flexion. The elements of the billiard tables are manufactured by a computerized numerical control machinery, which ensures the perfect squaring and rectification of the playing field, bestowing a very high quality and technology to the billiard table.

Billiard Monocoque, Minimalism and Hi Tech!

                           SPECIFICATIONS  ___________
Seasoned solid beech wood
Aluminium ( ground fusion)
Natural leather
Certification MBM Biliardi
Finish matt
Finish semi gloss
Finish gloss brilliant
Structure made by laws of compensation
Construction of frame and rails is made by gluing of wooden elements. This increases the stability of billiard table over years.
Professional slate and flexion regulators.
Unique processing of MBM, made by CNC machinery. Insures the perfect rectification of playing field, fundamental for game of high precision.
Processing with our CNC machinery, which insures to billiard table the perfect rectangle.
Pool or American billiard
All kind of pool game is played on the table with large pockets. The table dimension is 6ft, 7 ft, 8ft or 9ft. There are used only 16 balls – one is white and others are coloured and numbered.
Pool or American billiard is a simple game, without a lot of claims but at the same time is very funny! Ideal for enjoying billiard sport with friends. Some kind of game: Eight Balls, Fifteen Balls.
Russian Pyramid
Is played on billiard table with narrow pockets. Dimension of table – 10 ft or 12 ft. Are used 16 balls, between them 15 are white and numbered from n.01 to n.15 and the remaining ball (used also as cue ball) is of different colour and it’s not numbered.
Snooker game, called also English billiard, is played on the billiard table much more than those we are used to see. Regulated size is 12 ft but is suitable also 9ft playing field. The billiard table has 6 pockets. Played with set of 22 balls and a cue with very strait shaft. The balls set is so composed: 15 red balls (to be collocated in triangle), 6 balls of various colours and one ball is white.
                            MULTIMEDIA  ___________
Biliardo Tavolo Tokyo-2
Biliardo Tavolo Tokyo-1
Biliardo Tavolo Tokyo-3
Biliardo Tavolo Tokyo-4
                         ENQUIRE ___________



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