DO UT DO, at his third edition, it’s a biennial event promoted by the Associazione Amici of Hospice Seràgnoli Foundation which aims to raising funds for Hospice Seràgnoli Foundation Onlus for supports activities of care and aid for subjects with incurable diseases and for helping training and research in the field of palliative medicine inside the Campus Bentivoglio.
The Hospice Seràgnoli (Bentivoglio, Bellaria e Casalecchio) works in the field of palliative care and gives a very qualify welcome, in an appropriate context, for help both the patients both their families.
They give a customized and global care, considering needs and problems given by physical and psychological symptoms.
Alessandro Mendini designed the fantastic front of the Do Ut Do House, the rooms are projected by important designers and architects.
Inside the Do Ut Do House are presented contemporary artworks and unique design pieces given by important artists from worldwide and these shall be awarded by drawing lots for everyone does a donation to Hospice Seràgnoli Foundation Onlus.
From 15 October to 15 November will be open the exhibition and will be possible to see all of these artworks, included the famous Bi_G Billiard created by Massimo Iosa Ghini and given by MBM Biliardi, at Pinacoteca Nazionale and Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna, Italy.
Via delle Belle Arti 56, Bologna